"The WilderLand has
proved to be an incredible draw for our online service, nearly
doubling subscriptions in just a few months! This is exactly.
what we needed to set ourselves apart from the competition."
Gareth Trinko
System Administrator
Galaxy Online
Technical Support
Our professional technicians are available from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Central Standard Time to
assist you with installation issues and troublshooting.
• Phone: 414-840-1615
• E-mail: support@wilderlandsoftware.com
Where can I get support or purchase the Galacticomm / Worldgroup product line?
Contact Rick Hadsall at Elwynor Technologies for
support on these products. Elwynor Technologies purchased this entire product line from us in
2004 and is continuing to maintain and develop a number of these products.